Monday, June 1, 2020

God's way of saying, "Everything is going to be OK."

I have that husband.  You know... the kind of man who goes around the house and blows out scented candles just minutes after they've been lit because he's certain the place will burn to the ground.  Conversely, if I'm not playing the role of arsonist, I must surely intend to flood our home.  As my hubby sees it, flowerbeds pose a huge risk because those pesky flowers need water.  And he's whole-heartedly convinced that by watering the flowers our home is going to fall into the creek and float away.  Thus the reason he decided to "surprise" me one day by rocking over my flowerbeds.  I can guarantee he knew better than to ask first, as there's no doubt I would not have shared his enthusiasm for this landscaping solution.  

Because love is a choice and marriage is a commitment, our relationship sustained this unfortunate landscaping incident.  Years later, I restored my flowerbed to its original rock-free design (no small task, and not without its own share of stories) while adding some new flower selections which require little-to-no watering.  Yes, in the end, a little give-and-take is what it finally took for us to both be happy.

After a very long break from having any flowers in my yard, this is the first spring during which my perennials returned in full bloom.  I walked outside this week to discover this lovely girl showing off in all her magnificent glory.  And I somehow feel this might be God's way of saying, "Everything is going to be alright."  -Thanks God, I needed to hear that message.  With everything going on in the world right now, it seems as though joy is a rare commodity.  From pandemics to riots, everyone has an opinion these days.  But with so many opposing views we can't all be right.  Maybe we can take a lesson from this lovely Iris.  Perhaps we need to choose peace over being right, and maybe, just maybe, somewhere in the middle is a good place to be.  

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